On-going persecution of Rohingyas

In Suu Kyi's Myanmar nothing has improved for the Rohingya and other minorities who face extinction. As a matter of fact, in some areas, they face more danger than anytime before.
According to Rohingya Vision: Burmese Authorities arrested 10 innocent Rohingyas and released them after torturing and  extorting money in Daibbaingsara (Saufarag) village of, Buthidaung on 16th May 2016, explains a suffering local.
In the incidence 10 of the innocent Rohingyas were driven away from their houses to the BGP camps, where they were inhumanely tortured and abused. “Every night BGP comes and tortures us by taking men and women separately, where they even molest our women and girls” says a suffering local.
Along with arrests, they also looted household goods and ornaments and tortured Rohingyas severely. Later arrestees were released after extorting 3 – 5 lakhs from every person. Among the victims 8 are identified and other 2 remains unidentified.
Identified victims are:
  1. Haroon S\O Ali Bashir, 35
  2. Rashid S\O Ali Hussain, 35
  3. Amir Hakim, S\O Khalu, 25
  4. Abdul hakim S\O Ali Ahmed, 50
  5. Mv Sayed Alam, 30
  6. Muhammed Sadeq S/O Khalu, 19
  7. Abdul Kalek, S/O Ali Ahmed, 50
  8. Muhammed Salim S/O Khalu
Authorities’ arrests, torture and abuses in the region every night have left Rohingyas in extreme fear even to live in their own houses. And even in the month of Ramadan (the  holy month of fasting for Muslims) Rohingyas are unable to fast due to the fear of torture and unrest in the region.


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